THE HEC ORDER - 1895-1920 Toronto Bible College



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School and Offices. 110 Coliege St., Toronto



Vol. IX.]


[Nos. 3 and 4

/^crpbcrs of Corporation.

l\Kv. EuMiiKK Harris, D.D.. President,

Betheden, Waliner Road, Torontu. Kkv. R. 1". Mackay, l).D.,"j

Toronto. ]■ Vice-Presidents.

J. D. Xasmith. Toronto. J Jos. 'S.HHKSSTnUK. Secretary and Treasurer^

10 Walmer Road, Toronto. Rkv. \\m. Stkwaut, D.D., Principal.

138 St. (ieorse St., Toronto. Jamks Actox, Toronto. E. Hooper, M.D., Toronto. R. KiLGOtR, Toronto. Tiios. A. Rodger, Haniiltun Elias Rogers, Toronto.

General Council.

BARRIB : JL'DGE Ardagh. Brant FORD:

C. C-XiK.

Geo. Foster.

belleville : Rev. R. Wallace.

Brockville .• JiDGE Reynolds.


R. O. Struthers.


Rkv.T.\Vardroi'e,D.D. H. M. HonsoN.

Hamilton .■ Rev. Fred. E. Howitt.

Kingston .-


Rev. G. J. BiSHor. Montreal .•



John Penman.

St. Catharines .- Geokge W. Hodgetts.

Toronto : Thos. S. Colk.

C. M. Cfil'ELAXD.

Rev. T. C. Des Barues,

M.A. J. W. Flavelle. H. \V. Frost.



W. H. HoWITT, M.n.

Rkv. T. B. Hvdk.

J. Mackav.

Wev.W M.Mai William.

I.L.H. Rev. D. .McTavisu,



G. B. .Meadows.


Rev. H. M. Parsons, i D.D.

F. M. Prati. I John Stark.

Instructors and Lkcturkrs for !■ Rev. Wm. Stewart. D.O. Rev. Wm. Ma<;Wii.i.iam, LL.B. Rev. Elmore Haukis, U.D. Ri;v. .luMN M(:Ni( oL, H I>. Rev Khkd E. IImwiit. MA. K'lv. R. I'. .MacKav, 1>.L).

f:xaminers For l!K>iO:i. Rev. S D. Chown, D.D. Rkv. T. C. Dks Barhes, M.A Rev. T. B. Hyde. Rev. H. ,M. Parsons, D.D. Rev. H. p. Welton.D.D.

Miss Annie Burns, Aast. Secretaryand IAi>ritrinii

OuK DfiJSiGN. The great desit;ii of the School is the training of consecrateil nipii and women for Christian service at home and abroad.

Contributions. Any friends desiring to have fellowship in tlie work may send their contributions to the Treasurer .T. N. Shenstone. Es<i., 40 Walmer Road, Toronto, or to any officer of the School.

The names of other friends in important centres are yet to Ix; added to the General Council.

A Prospepous Year.

The present double number of the Hk- COKDKR presents a brief review of the work of tlie Bible Training School during its Ninth Session. In days when doubts are cast on tlie integrity and in- s|)irationof the Word of God, the imjiort- a 'i<e and value of the School can scj^rcejy be over-estimated. Its great aim is to commit a knowledge of the saving truths of the Bible to faithful men and women, tliiit thev may be"al)le to teach others" 2 Tim. ii. 2. The record of the year just closed can liardly fail to present a ground of encouragement to our friends, and a claim for continued .sympathy and support in our great work.


Ninth Annual Meetingr.

Tlie Ninth Session of the Toronto Bible Training School rh)sed with iippropriate exercises on Thursday, April Hotli. In the afternoon of that day the Annual Meeting of the united Board of Incorpor- ation and General Council was held, when the reports for the year were pre- sented, and all the work of the session received careful consideration. There was a p;ood attendance of members, who manifested mucli interest in the continued proicress and prosper itj- of the School.

At the evening meeting the graduating exercises brought together one of the largest audiences ever gathered in the Assembly Hall. Devotional services were conducted by Rev. T. Bradley Hyde and Rev. Dr. McTavi<5h, both of this city. President Harris gave a brief outline of the work of the session, referring parti- cularly- to the large number, who are again going forth to the foreign field, and to the increased attendance of young men in the Day Classes. Appropriate ad- dresses were given by four of the gradua- ting students. Mr. Henry Hellyer spoke on "Canada's Opportunity" in giving tlie Gospel to the thousands who are crowding into the great North- West. Miss Nellie Hutchings took God's direc- tion to Joshua, "Be Strong and very Courageous," as the subject of her ad- dress. Mr. Charles Waddell reminded different classes of Christians that they are "Appointed for Fruit-hearing."' Miss Bertha McAuslan sliowed the import- ance and necessity of the i-equest of the disciples, "Lord, Teach us to Pray." Diplomas were then presented to the fol- lowing nine students who have completed the course of study prescribed for the Day Classes, and have passed satisfactory examinations thereon : Misses Jessie Brechin, Emma Campbell, Margaret Fisher, Etta Fletcher. Mary Langton, Bertha McAuslan, Sarali Windel; also .Messrs. Henry Hellyer and Charles Wad- dell. Certificates were given to the follow- ing four young ladies, who have satisfac- torily comjileted tlie course of study in the Evening Classes : Misses Jennie Brown, Nellie Hutchings Ethel Richardson and Grace Smith. The Principal, Dr. Stewart,

addressed the graduates in a few parting words, urging them to make the Word of God their standard, the will of God their law, and the work of God their business. The closing address was de- livered by Mr. W. R. Newell, of Chicago, who spoke with great earnestness and power on the Scriptural characteristics of the " Man of God."

Report of the Ppincipal.

In presenting the Ninth Annual Report of the Toronto Bible Training School, grateful acknowledgement must again be made to our gracious Lord of His con- tinued guidance and blessing. The past year has been one of <iuiet, stead}- pro- gress. Wliile the enrolment and attend- ance of students have been nearly the same as during the past session, there have been new and encouraging features of the work for which we thank God and take courage for the future. For the first time in the history of the School^ young men and young women in training for their work as Secretaries of Young [Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations have been taking a course of Bible study with us.


The number enrolled in the Day Classes has been sixt.y-one. Of these, thirty-two are young men and t\yenty-nine young women. This has been the only year in which the number of the former has exceeded that of the latter. In the Even- ing Classes the enrolment has been 171, of whom 41 are young men, and 130 young- women. The total enrolment of students has thus been 232, besides visitors, grad- uates and occasional students, who have attended some of our courses of lectures.


In the Day Classes the regular instruc- tors have been Dr. Harris, Mr. MacWil- liam, Mr. McNicol and myself. Dr. Harris has given two courses of lectures each week, one on the Book of Leviticus and the other on the Epistle to the Gala- tians. My own subjects have been the following: Bible Doctrines, with the Word of God as the one text-book ; The Ministry and Teaching of the Apostle


Paul ; The Figurative Language of Scrip- ture ; and Prepiirntion of Gospel Ad- dresses. Mr. Mac William gave instruc- tion twice a week on Inspiration and the Canon of Scripture; and also on Jewish Archieoiogy. He liad also two small classes in the Greek New Testament. Mr. McNicol's suhjects have been Out- line Studies in the Books of the Old Testament ; Studies in the Gospels, with a special course on the Miracles uf our Lord ; and Preparation of Bible Read- ings. He has also conducted the early morning classes in English Grammar and Language Lessons. Mr. MacWilliam states that in ' ' all the classes the students exhibited hearty interest in their work,'" and that he "can report most favorably of their progress, attention and whole behaviour." Mr. McNicol closes his report of his first year's service in the School as follows :

" Looking at the work as a whole one cannot but notice that a deeply reverent spirit characterized the students in their studj- of the Word of God. and that the}' keep constantly before them a definitely practical aim. The fellowship that exists in the School is a verj- delightful thing. It has been a great joy and privilege to have a share in such work."


During the first half of the session the visiting lecturer was Rev. F. E. Howitt, of Hamilton, who conducted a helpful and suggestive course of instruction on "Scripture Types and Symbols." This last term our Vice-President, Rev. R. P. MacKay, D.D., has given an instructive and inspiring series of lectures on ' ' China as a Mission Field." Both of these brethren have again laid the School under great obligation to them for their valuable and much appreciated services. Other visitors have addressed the classes from time to time during the session. Prominent among these was Mr. James H. McConkey, of Philadelphia, who gave a most helpful course of devotional studies on the "Life of Prayer."' Mr. John L. Jarrett gave a graphic account of " Mission Work among tlie Indians of Peru."' Two ladies on a visit to Toronto, Hon. Emily Kinnaird, of London, Eng- land, and Miss Edge, of Bombay, gave

interesting addresses on the Bihle and Medical Zenana Mission : Rev. Dr. Moffat, Secretary- of the Upper Canada Tract Society, presented its work and claims to the students ; and Rev. Thomas Bone, of the Welland Canal Mission, gave a rich and racy talk on " Personal Work in Winning Men to Christ." All of these addresses were excellent, and greatly appreciated by the students.


The regular Evening Classes have Ijeen held on Tues<lay and Thursday of each week as in previous years. Dr. Harris has lectured on the same subjects as to the Day Classes; Mr. McNicol has given instruction on the Miracles of our Lord, and the writer on Bible Doctrines. There have also been special classes on tlie Monday- and Friday evenings. The first of these was a well-attended and inter- esting class conducteil by myself on the Preparation of Gospel Addresses, and the second was the class for the study of the Sunday School lesson, conducted by Mr. McNicol with good interest and attend- ance. Mr. MacWilliam had also a small Monday evening class in New Testament Greek for the gi'eater part of the session.


The medical classes establisheil last year have again been conducted this session with considerable success. Dr. E. Hooper, who has been deeply inter- ested in the School from its beginning, gave a course of instruction to young ladies ; Dr. Bowie had a class for both sexes in Anatomy, and Dr. G. D. Porter in the Practice of Medicine. During tlie second term of the session, Dr. W. H. Howitt, who is now a member of our General Council, again conducted a class in Tropical Diseases. These medical courses have scarcely- been as well at- tended as last session ; but they have been much appreciated, and they cannot fail to be a great help to the students in their work for Christ in the coming days. The best thanks of the Board and Council are due to these medical gentlemen, who freely gave their time and services, and conducted the classes with great ability, fidelitv and zeal.



Written uxivmiimtions have bein licKl eHcli term on tlie covuses of study pro- vkled for tlic l>iiy and Eveninj: Classes. Witli very few exceptions ail the stu- dents who write on these exiuninations have passed very creditahly. The mini- jnura standard is 5o% on each paper, but more than one-half obtained 75%, and fully one-fourth obtained 90% ov over on most of their subjects. These examina- tions are required of all these who wish to receive the Certificate or Diploma of the School. The instructors are very anxious that a larj^er number of the stu- dents should submit to this test. Several of the papers were handed over to Rev. Dr. Welton, one of the examiners, who after fjivinj; them very cai-eful con- sideration and raarkinf;, has reported as follows :

" I have looked over the examination papers on Bible Doctrines which were placed in my hands, and I am much j)leased with the clearness with which the students, with very rare exceptions, have apprehended and expressed the truths of the subject, Tlie papers are certainly a credit both to the students and to the school.


The students continue to be usefully employed in active Christian work dur- ing the session. Every Thursday even- ing they have conducted the services of tlie Yonge St. Mission, and on Saturdaj'^ evening they have been engaged at the Mission Union. From both of these places hearty testimony lias been given to their acceptability and usefulness in evangelistic work. Five or six places outside the city, and several in the city have been supplied with preaching on the Lord's Day by our young men. In Sun- day .School and Young People's work, in labors in thirteen different missions in the city, and in house to house visita- tion, the young women as well as the young men have taken part, and in this way liave been receiving a valuable training for future usefulness. While the results of this varied labor can never be fully known, there is no doubt that much blessing has followed in souls won to the Saviour.


The Tuesday forenoon devotional ser- vice continues to be a great blessing, l)oth in the cultivation of the spiritual life, and in the answers to prayer which God has graciously given. Frequent reference is made to it in letters which we receive from our former students, now laboring for Christ in the regions beyond. They get great comfort and courage from the thouglit that they are constantly remembered in prayer ; and as the day comes round, tliey unite with us in drawing near to the one common mercy seat. An early Thursday morn- ing missionary prayer-meeting has also been maintained by the students with good interest, and the mission-study class has been continued with much pro- fit. There can be no doubt that the Christian fellowship, spiritual progress and missionary spirit of the School have been greatly promoted by these services.


For the last two years there have been comparatively few additions to our Library. Some friends have occasionally presented volumes of real value, but there is much need for other works that would be a great help to the students. The total number of books in the Library is now 1,080. The students make good use both of the Library and Reading Room. Through the liberality of a lady friend the latter has again been well supplied with religious papers and maga- zines.


Since October last, five of our students have gone to labor for Christ in foreign fields, and eight others have been ac- cepted for service, and will go forth in the near future. Of these thirteen for- eign missionaries, four will bear the glad tidings to China, one to South America, four to Africa, and four to India. Tliis is a larger number than during anj- pre- vious year in the history of the School. About twelve others are going to definite fields of service in Canada or the United States. These will labor as pastors, evangelists, Y. M. C. A. Secretaries, Bible women, colporteurs, and in other spheres


of Cliristiaii usefulness. Surely it is mutter for devout Kriitituilc that year l>y .\ L'lir our Siliool is funiisliiiij;; laborers in increasing nuuihers for the wide and wliitenin}^ harvest.


In all the meetings of the Hoird, antl in all the relations of tht' students witii one another and with their instruetors, the spirit of harmony and brotherly love has remained unbroken. Twelve differ- ent denominations have a$;ain been repre- sented in the School, and have dwelt together in unity. Tiiere has been de- lightful Christian fellowship in waiting upon God in prayer, not only for a fuller knowledge of His word, but also for a fuller realization of the presence and l>ower of the Holy Spirit in the life

and work. Tliree or four of those wlio

have had fellowship with us in the work from tile beginning have been cHlled away from earth, but others are taking their {ilaces to aid in jtreparing men and women to carry the testimony of Chriht to the uttermoMt parts of the earih, and thus hasten His coming and kingdom. Surely we have aliundant reasoti to men- tion the loving-kintlness of the Lord, who has blessed us in every way since the opening of. the Institution; and to Him we must still look for whatever will be needed of men and means, of wisdom and help in the days that are to come. " The Lord hath been mindful of us: He will bless us."

Respectfully submitted,


Treasurer's Report.

The Treasurer, Mr. Shenstone, presented 'the following statement of Receipt.>^ and Disbursements for the j-ear ending April 30th, 1903 :


Balance on hand - - - § 90 10

Gifts ----- ^^ 39,i 25

Incidental Fees - - - 299 50

Rent of Residence and Hall - - - - - - 245 00

Collections ---------- 28 07

$4,058 92



Principal, Instructors and Assistant Secretary

Ground Kent -

Caretaker -

Coal - -

Light and Water -

Telephone --------

Printing Catalogues, Jvkcokukk, etc., and Advei



Care of Grounds -


Sundries ---------

2,901 64

280 00

I9.S 00

;«0 05

57 1:5

15 00

91 02 27 70 20 00 31 &i 15 75 $l.al8 li

Balance on hand

SIO 77

The Report was adopted with expressions of grateful acknowledgement to the friends who continue to supjiort the School, and with thanks to the Treasurer for the careful and economical management of the tinances.


List of Students.

Tlie followinfi is u list of the Students enrolled in the Duy Classes for the Session 19U2-0:?:

Miss J. S. AiwIiTsoM, TiinmlK.

S. S. Ai.liii. KiiKliiinl.

K. Frasor Hfll, l>i'Siiiiiii(l.

Mrs. K. Hoyiif, Toronto.

(;. \V. Bnuil.'V, Uiirtalo. \.V.

r. A. Urt'aki'y, Toronto.

Mil,') .Icssio Hicohin, Toronto.

MIsM Ooiina l!iM°(far, W'llland.

Miss X. Camp, Laiiihton Mills.

Miss E. Caniplii'li, Arinow.

F. .\. Ck>nmTs, Wal.sli.

.Miss M. Coouibes, Toronto.

Waltor G. Crai^', Toronto.

I'. C. Deeth, Toronto.

Israel Devarlas.s, Ranjjroon, Hnrnia.

A. T. Finlayson, Toronto.

Miss M. I). Fislier. Toronto.

.Miss E. .J. Fletcli.r, Parkliill.

E. A. Frowdc, Petorl)oro'.

James A. Funk, Sontli ("ayufra.

E. Halliwell, Cornwall.

H. Hellycr, 0(le.=9a, Hussia.

Miss H. Henderson, Bervie.

J. A. Henderson, Buffalo, N.V.

Miss M. E Jack, Toronto.

\V. M. P. Jerrett, Rooklyn.

Miss M. F. Langton, Bracebridge.

Mrs. Lcgg, Toronto.

Miss C. Legg, Toronto.

('. J. liOncy, Toronto.

Miss X. Martin, Toronto.

Mrs. T. V. Ma.son, Toronto.

Miss A. Mas.sman, HulValo, N.V.

James MatliiT. Kowland.

Miss L. MaoDonald, Toronto. B. M. Mi'Ansl.ui, lleathoole.

MissC. McCormic'k. Bervie.

J. K. McCormick, Bervie.

J. 1,. MeCullocli, Brandon, .Man.

Tlios. McKay, Toronto.

Thos. G. .Murphy, O.xford .Mills.

Mrs. K. C. Xicliolls, T(jronto.

K. E. NiclioUs, Toronto.

H. A. Pearson, Lindsay. Lida l'ii)es, Amherst, N.S.

Stephen Rogers, Creemore.

Miss Nellie C. Ross, B.A., Toronto.

F. J. Shore, Buffalo, N.Y.

A. G. C. Simpson, NA'hiteclmrdi.

B. C. Sircar, Rangoon, Burma. Daniel Solomon, Rangoon, Burma. .1. A. Stevens, Eden Grove.

Miss M. Stewart, Elfrida.

Mrs. Sullivan, Toronto.

Miss Lily Tilley, Toronto.

R. Tuttlc. Toronto.

Charles U'addell, Terjninus.

F. S. Weaver, Bi-lleville.

\V. P. Webb, Ottawa.

Miss C. M. Wilkins, Toronto.

Miss Sarah A. Windel, Toronto.

Evening Classes.

The following? is a list of Students in the Evening Classes who have passed one or more of the written examinations of this last session :

H. S. Bennett. A. E. Bernhardt. Mlssd E. Brooking. Miss J. Brown. G. M. Byres. Miss M. Doig. W. W. Donnolly. C. Dunn. Miss X. Elliott.

Miss K. W. Holmes. MissN. Hou.ser. Miss X. Hutcliings. R. E. Jones. W. Keen. R. D. Lees. Miss A. M. McFeggai F. W. Morton. .Miss B. Mould.

Miss A. Moule.

F. Moule.

Miss E. E. Nay lor.

Miss L. Pascoe.

W. Price.

E. B. Ratditte.

Miss M. Ray.

Miss E. .A Richardson.

Miss B. Rol)inson.

J. Robinson. Miss A. Sehofield. Miss E. C. Shields. R. Simpson. Miss C. G, Smith. .Miss L. Taylor. Miss L. ^^'arwood. Miss .L Weston.

Examination Papers.

We fjive below three of the examina- tion papers on which the students were required to write last session. The first was prepared by Mr. McNicol for the flass in Old Testament Outlines; the second by Dr. Harris for the in the Kpistle to the Galatians, and the third b3' Dr. Stewart for the class in the Prepara- tion ot (Jospel Addresses.

OLD TESTAMK.NT OUTLINE.S. 1. Write u of the topics of Gen. 1 : xi. in their order.

2. What were the four important epochs in God's dealing with Abraham?

'6. Give a general outline of the book of Exodus.

4. What spiritual truths was the Taber-

nacle intended to symbolize?

5. Write a brief account of the rebellion

of Israel at Kadesh, and state also its cause and its consequences.

6. Indicate the main events in Israel's

conquest of Canaan (Josh. I : xii).

7. Describe the moral and religious con-

dition of Israel during the time of the Judges.



TIIK Kr,(t»UI)KIl.

8. Write a note on David's training for

the kinyjilom, showing (1) wliat it was, [2) wliat efTort it iiad on his cliaracter.

9. What were the features tliat ilistiii-

jruishtd Solomon's reijjn ?

10. Wliat causes led to the revolt of the

'Pen Tribes?

11. in wliat respect did the ministry of

Elisha differ from that of Klijah?

12. Write a note on the Covenant witii

Abraliam and the Covenant with Davi.).

N.B. Answer any ffn questions.


1. Give the name and general outline of

the Second Main division of this Epistle.

2. Give the twofold division of " The

Law," and the purpose of each.

3. State clearly the signification of " Re-

demption" in Galatians, giving one or two passages, t. Write an explanatory note on "The Spirit of Sonship" (iv.: 6), giving parallel from Romans.

5. How was the appeal not to return to

bondage of '' weak and beggarly elements" (iv.: 9) applicable to once heathen Galatians'?

6. Give another word for " Blessedness "

in iv.: 15, and explain the circum- stances.

7. Explain "Christ formed in" those

alreadj- believers (iv.: 19).

8. Give the meaning of "hope of righte-

ousness " in v.: 5.

9. Distinguisli "burdens" and "burden"

in vi.: 2, 5, and show their relation to the immediate context in each case.

10. Explain the^ words "how large a

letter " in vi.: 11.

11. What is the "Rule" alluded to in

vi.: 16?

12. Write a note on "the marks of the

Lord Jesus" in vi.: 17.

N.B. Answer any fi^n of the questions.


1. Give the meaning of different Scripture

words used in the New Testament to convey the idea of preaching.

2. State the chief rules of division.

3. Explain fully what is meant V)y a

textual discourse.

4. Point out different wajs in which a

subject maj' be illustrated.

5. Show the importance of Hpplication to a sermon.

t). Make a brief <livi.sioii an<l outline of any one of the following texts: Gill. 1:4; Ej.h. fi : Ki; Luke I'j : :i-7.

Extracts trom Letters.

A member of our General Coun<, in .sending his annual subscription to our Treasurer, wrote as follows :

"There is no Institution on my list which I cojisider more worthy of supjtort than the Bible Training School, and none to which I have more i>leasure in con- tributing."

Our excellent friend, Rev. Dr. Parson.s. who has been a valued counsellor and helper in our work from the beginning, Ijeing unable to attend the annual meet- ing of the Council, sent the following note :

"Though I am improving in health, I regret that I cannot be present with \ou at the meeting of April 30th. When .so many are departing from the faith, I re- cognize more than ever the importance of the work in which the Bible Training School is engaged. I rejoice in its con- tinued prosperity, and shall be glad to serve you in any way I may be able in the great work you are doing."

A former student, now engaged in successful evangelistic work, sent a letter to our President recently, from which we make the following extract :

" I was glad to read in the Recorder of the prosperity of the School. I think those of us who received training theie can never forget it. and must ever bless God for such opportunities as were ours. I am glad the work is extending, ami that more yet are permitted to hear the Scrip- tures expounded in the clear and impres- sive manner in which they are opened up. ^[any, many times have I thanked God for your teaching, and for the able, clear and full instruction received from all who taught in the Toronto Bible Training School. May God ever bless the work there."

Opening of Session. The Tentii Session of the Bible Train- ing School will open (D. V.) on Tuesday, September 22nd, 1903, at 10 am. It is very important that all students, espe- cially those who are entering the School for the first time, should be present at the beginning of the session.



Mk. i'bTKK Jamii:si)N lias become Sec- retary of the Y.M.C.A. aL Wanen. Pa.

Mr. JS. RotiKKs has been Hppoiiited liy tlie L'|iper Canada liible Society as Colpoiltnu- in Manitoba.

Miss Bkssik Kosshas gouo toChica-^o to eDgap;e in City Mission work as Bible Woman unil District Visitor.

Mk. W. p. Wkhh will supply for the summer two preacliin^ stations belonj^in}? to the Friends near Newmarket.

Mil. C. J, LoNEY will spend his vaca- tion in colportage work in Ontario, under the direction of the Upper Canada Tract Society.

Mis.s M. F. Lan'gton and Miss L. Tilley, graduates of the Day Classes, have entered on a course of practical training as nurses at the Western Hos- pital of this city.

Messrs. J. K. McCokmick and J. L. McCulloch of the Day Classes, and Mr. K. D. Lees of the Evening Class, have been appointed to Presbyterian mission- fields in Northern Ontario and Manitoba.

Mr. E. Halliwell has gone to labor in Teeswater.Ont. ; Mr. J. W. Salton has been set apart for special work as an Evangelist, and ^Ir. Henry Hellyer has entered on his duties as a missionary among the Doukhobors and Galicians of the North-West.

The new Catalogue and Announce- ment of the School will be published in .July, giving full particulars about In- structors, Lecturers and Courses of study for next session. Copies may be obtained on application to the Principal, Dr. Stewart, or to Miss A. Burns, the Assis- tant Secretary, llU College St., Toronto.

The members of the Day Classes pre sented Miss M. F. Langton, one of their number, with a neat watch in recognition of the efticient help she had given them in reviewing their different studies pre- paratory to examinations. The presen- tation was made at the home of Mr. J. L. McCulloch, East Toronto, to which the students were kindly invited for a social evening.

The first marriage solemnized in the Bible Training School occurred on May

2nd, when Miss Annie Fra.ser, one of our first graduates, and missionary to the deaf mutes of the city, was married to Mr. J. R. BjMiie. The interesting cere- mony was performed by Rev. T. B. Hyde, the sign language being used in part for the l)enefit of the many deaf mutes who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Byrne have the congratulations and best wishes of numerous friends.

TiiK Bible Training School biiilding has become a kind of headquarters for a great deal of the inter-denominationa work carried on in Toronto. The Sunday services of the deaf mutes are held in our Assembly Hall, while tlie regular board meetings of the Africa Industrial ]\Iission and of the Leper Mission, and tlie monthly jn-ayer meetings of the Y.W.C.A. officers and workers are also held in our rooms. We are glad to give these friends the use of the premisi'S, when not required for the pur|)0ses of the School.

One of the most notable missionary meetings ever held in Toronto was the one which assembled in the Bible Train- ing School on Maj^ U-ith, when eight new missionaries were dt'signated for service in Nigeria. Four of these had been stu- dents of the Bible Training School. They go out under the auspices *of the Africa Industrial Mission, which has secured an excellent location, and made a good beginning of work at Patagi, in "dark Soudan." A large number of friends met at the Union Station on the morning of May 15th to wish the missionary party Godspeed on their departure.

Receipts for General Fund.

The following amounts have been re- ceived from Feb. 9th to April 30th, 1903 :

Xo. «.')...

$10 00 1 No. 103 a 00

8G 5 00

K7 50 00

«8 300 00

8!) . . 5 00

<»(» 20 00

ill as 00

lO-l 1.100

Id.") 10 00

lot; 50 no

92 50 00

'J3 .5 00

04 1 00

!t5.... 1 00

!)6 o 00

!»7 10 00

!I8 5 00

'.ttt 100 00

KM) .10 00

11)1 5 00

102 2.T 00

Speiial 100 00

Previously acknowledged 2.122 21 to April .iO, 1!)03 $3,396 2

Joseph N. Suenstonb, Treas.]]

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