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VOL. I. A.D. 1488—1529.













The extant Register of the letters and precepts passing the Privy Seal of Scotland was commenced under the superintendence or by the directions of William Elphinstone, bishop of Aberdeen, a few years after his appointment (in 1492) to the office of Keeper of the Seal. The first volume of the record commences with the undated memorandum by his depute : " Thir are the Irez. that I selit sen my lordis passing to Abirdene." There is no evidence of the existence of any earlier register. The first entry is dated I6th Apr. 1499; but, as will be observed by a glance at the opening pages of the present volume, a considerable number of earlier writs were awaiting registration at that date, a few even bearing date in 1488, 1490, and 1491, when the bishop'8 pre- decessor as Keeper, John Hepbum, prior of St. Andrews, held office. Increasing numbers represent the years 1492-1496, but, correctly speaking, the record may be held to cover the period from 1497 onward. It was the practice of the compilers of this and other public records of Scotland to retain the warrants, sometimes for considerable periods, without registration, and on registration to enter them without regard to the order of their dates. In the case of this register the reason for this apparently loose proceeding may have been the delay on the part of the receivers or grantees to uplift the warrants and pay the fees exigible by the keeper of the seal ; or the fact that in such cases as gifts of casualties and remissions the warrants would be entrusted to the chamberlains or " lords compositors " appointed to attend the various circuits or "justice-aires" for assessment of the compositions due to the crown. These compositions formed a considerable part of that portion of the Crown revenue which fell under the administration of the Treasurer.

The present volume embodies the whole contents of the first seven voluraes of the record (with the exception of a letter dated in 1530-31 entered in Vol. VI.), a considerable part of Vol. Vm., and a number of entries which, in disregard of chronological order, have been inserted in later volumes. Folios 2 and 3,


and 227 to 247 inclusive, of Vol. IV. are wanting, their places being very imperfectly supplied by Vol. I. of the Minute Book, which is not a contemporaneous minute book in the usual sense, but merely a page-by-page list of the contents of Vols. I. to VIII. of the record, in the same order, and prepared at a period subsequent to their completion. Brief memoranda also at the close of Vol. V. contain the only information afforded regarding many warrants therein mentioned (Nos. 3073-3103 and 3105- 3245 of this volume). With these exceptions, and the occur- rence of occasional gaps as in 1513 and 1514, the record is entire, and on the whole very well preserved. It is clear, how- ever, that there are throughout many missing links, many warrants unrecorded. This is apparent not only from occasional references to letters and precepts which are not found on record, and by blanks in the line of succession to various benefices and offices at court, but also in the extreme paucity of entries in some years as compared with others. In this as in other features of the record there is evidence of a good deal of looseness on the part of the recording officers. Folios 1 to 86 ot Vol. VIL contain a duplicate of the entries on the first 74 folios of Vol. VI. In only a very few cases is the fuU text of the warrant recorded. As a rule only an abridgement is given, more or less brief, according, apparently, to the disposition of the writer or perhaps the time at his disposal. In printing the record further abridge- ment, therefore, was, for the most part, deemed unnecessary. It was desired to retain the language of the original, and where curtailment seemeddesirable theobject has been attained simply by omission of unnecessary repetitions, or ot frequently-recurring formal clauses and phrases of style. The process may be carried further in future volumes when the warrants are recorded at greater length.

It will occasionally be found that the writer of the record, in abridging his Latin warrant, passes inadvertently from narrative to direct citation. In such cases the Latin gets "mixed," but correction would have involved interference, more or lesg extensive, with the text, and has therefore not been attempted. With this explanation no intelligent reader will be in danger o any misunderstanding. In a few cases the evidently hurrir


character of the entry occasions omission of a word or words. In printing the entries any correction or interpolation made is enclosed in square brackets ; the substitution of Arabic for Boman numerals, as in dates, is indicated by parentheses ( ) ; and omissions in abridging by a line of points, thus . . . ; but the same number of points at the head of an entry indicates the omission of place or date in the text.

The Privy Seal alone was necessary to the authentication of various classes ot crown letters or grants, such as gifts of pension, of feudal casualties, of escheats and other movable property or rights, tacks of crown lands, letters of protection, commissions to minor offices of court or state, presentations to benefices, and many others. The warrant for the attachment ot the seal in these cases was a letter under the sign manual of the sovereign directed to the keeper of the seal ; and to the entry of such warrant in the register is appended the words "per Signaturam," " per subscriptionem Regis," " subscripta per Eegem," or other words of the same meaning. To the com- pletion of other crown grants, such as charters or other investitures in crown lands, remissions, legitimations, and various letters patent, the attachment of the Great Seal was required, and the Privy Seal was applied to a precept which was merely a step in the process of procuring the Great Seal. Such precepts are docqueted in the record " per Signetum," as proceeding not on the sign manual, but only on a Latin precept from the keeper of the signet to whom the original signature was directed. All such precepts, where they are given effect to by charters or letters patent recorded in the Great Seal Begister, have been briefly enumerated in the Appendix to the text of this volume, and reference made to the details given in the printed volumes of the Great Seal Eegister (Record Series); but a considerable number of precepts for investitures are not represented by corresponding charters in the latter register, while at this period the whole letters of remission and legitimation, with one or two exceptions, are recorded only in the Privy Seal Register, and all such precepts will be found in the text.

The record served also the purpose ot a Responde Book, and accordingly the officer in charge of the Register is debited on


each eutry with the fee, if any, exigible by the keeper from the grantee on delivery. Frequently the sealed writ was handed to the grantee or a friend " gratis " or subject to an abatement by command of the keeper (" ex mandato domini ") or other officer, a concession due to personal favour, the influence of the appli- cant, the intercession of a patron, or poverty. In only one or two cases the composition payable to the treasurer on behalf of the crown is stated. A few memoranda appear in the MS. of the amount of fees received and accounted for during a specified period by a depute or other officer. Memoranda relating to the movements of Bishop Elphinstone in his numerous journeys on the visitation of his diocese, or attendances on the king and court and on the state affairs in which he was so largely employed, may possess some interest, and are transcribed in the order in which they occur in an Appendix to this preface. Otiier inser- tions in the MS. relate apparently to the itinera of the king in his absences from Edinburgh, and, useful in supplementing information of the same nature given in the Treasurer's Accounts, in the Great Seal Register, and in the headings of the various entries in this volume itself, will also be found in the subjoined Appendix.

Bishop Elphinstone remained keeper of the Privy Seai to the close of the reign of James IV. He himself died in 1514. George Oreichtoun, abbot of Holyrood, afterwards Bishop of Dunkeld, was " admitted " keeper by the governor, John, duke of Albany, on 8th June 1515 (see note, p. 389). He in turn was succeeded on 3rd Jan. 1528-29 by David Betoun, then abbot of Arbroath (see No. 4019 and note in the subjoined Appendix).

The Indices to this volume follow the plan of those appended to the prints of the Great SeaJ Register, though the editor hardly dares to expect that they will prove equal in all respects to these exemplars. The frequent absence of descriptions or designations of the persons named in the original record rendered identification in many instances impossible. But it is hoped that few errors will be found in any identifications made, as care was taken to insert only such as could be supported from authentic sources, e.^., the Great Seal, the Exchequer EoUs, or the Treasurer's Accounts.



Vol. I., folio 1. Thir ar the Irez. that I selit sen iiiy lordis passing

to Abirdene. (The precept following is dated

16 Apr. 1499, No. 381.) 73. Drumfres x Feb. (1498-99). (Precedes precept of

20 Mar. 1494-95, No. 43.) 76. Wigtoun. (Precedes precept of 18 Feb. 1498-99,

No. 344.) „117. Jedburgh, xxiii Mar. (1499-1500). (Precedes pre-

cept of 26 Oct. 1498, No. 279.) Drumfreis primo Aprilis (1500). (Precedes precept

of 28 Mar. 1495, No. 47.) 129. . . . iiu Junii. (Precedes the respite of 10 June

1497, No. 82.) Vol. II., folio 1. Their ar the bres. selit be my lord of Cambus-

kyneth under the prive sele sen my lord Abirdenis

passing to Abirdene now last befor the sessioun

haldin thare, that is to say (Prefaces the

record in this volume.) 27. Apud Renfrew xvn Jan. (1500-01). (Precedes the

protection of 14 Jan. 1500-01, No. 612.) 87. A Precept of Remission to for the

slauchter of umquhile 6y 91. A Precept maid to . Gratis.

97. Lanark iiii Aug. (1502). (Precedes the remission

of30May 1501, No. 696.) 132. Dat. et sigillat. per David Betoun apud Striveling

in absentia domi^ ^piscopi, etc. (Interlined

between the precepts of 11 Aug. 1503, Nos. 252

and 253, Appx.) Vol. III., folio 1. Apud Dun[bart]ane.

2. Renfrew v Junii [1505]. (Precedes the remission

of20May, 1505, No. 1077.) 8. Apud Linlithqw viu Julii. (Precedes the precept

of 8 Jul. 1505, No. 282, Appx.) 9. Stirling. (Precedes the letter of assedation 4 May

1505, No. 1070.) 14. Hic dominus intromisit cum sigillo. xxs. recepi

ex sigillo Will. Maklellan pro affixione ejusdem,

Wigtoun. (FoUows the precept of 31 Jul. 1505,

No. 287, Appx.)


Vol. III., fulio 16. Aberdein xvi Septembris anno (1505). (Precedes

the presentation of 3 Nov. 1504, No. 1045.) 18. BanflFx Octobris (1505). (Precedes the remission ot

14 Feb. 1497-98, No. 170.) 19. Apud Abirdene xvii Oct. (1505). (Precedes the

remission of 7 Dec. 1501, No. 735.) 23. Brechin. (Precedes the respite of 10 Nov. 1505,

No. 1152.) ,, 49. Die exitus domini de Edinburgo xii Martii (1505-06).

(Precedes the acquittance of 4 Mar. 1503-04, No.

1233.) 50. Post exitum domini viz: decimo tertio Martii

(1505-06). (Precedes letter of 13 Feb. 1505-06,

No. 1223.) 56. In reditu domini ad Lawder xv Maii (1506.) (Pre-

cedes the presentation of 12 May 1506, No. 1260.) 57. Peblis XXV Maii (1506). (Precedes the Precept of

12 Feb. 1505-06, No. 353, Appx.) 58. Edinburgh, quarto Junii. (Precedes the donation

of25Maul506, No. 1266.) 63. Lanark xxv Jimii. (Precedes the Remission of 24

Oct. 1500, No. 584, and follows the Respite of 24

June 1506, No. 1292.) 65. Edinburgh. (Precedes the Letter of 8 Sept. 1505,

No. 1126.) 71. xni Augsti (1506) dominus Abirdonensis episcopus

recessit de Edinburgh ad Abirdene. (Precedes the

Letter of 15th Aug. 1506, No. 1320.) 72. xii Octobris post adventum domini ad Edinburgh.

(Precedes the Presentation of 9 Oct. 1506,

No. 1338.) 75. Apud Jedburgh, vu Novembris (1506.) (Precedes

the Letter of 3 Nov. 1506, No. 1354.) 78. Apud Selkirk, xviii Novembris (1506). (Precedes

the Remission of 20 Dec. 1504, No. 1055.) 80. Edinburgh xxvu Nov. (Precedes the Precept of 29

Jul. 1506, No. 402, Appx.) b7. Hucusque Galloway. (Follows the Precept 19 Jan.

1505-06, No. 330, il|?paj.) . 106. Tempus exitus domini episcopi de Edinburgo

xu Aprilis (1507). (Precedes the Letter of 8 Apr.

1507, No. 1459.) , »110. Feoda literarum prescriptarum a xii Apr. recepta

per prepositum de Bothwil habentem custodiam

sigilli et per eum deliberata domino in suo reditu.

(FoUows the Letter of 26 May 1507, No. 1480.)


Vol. III.,foliollO. Post adventum domini episcopi ad Edinburgum V Junii (1507). (Precedes the Safe-conduct of 6 May 1507, No. 1473.) 113. Anno(1507).

114. Perth ultimo Junii (1507). (Precedes the Respite

of 2 June 1507, No. 1483.)

117. Strivelin xv Julii (1507). (Precedes the Remission

of 19 Jan. 1506-07, No. 1410.) 117. Edinburgh, xxvi Julii. (Precedes the Letter of 24 April 1507, No. 1466.)

131. XVI Septembris (1507) dominus episcopus Abir-

donensis accessit ad Abirden. (Precedes the Precept of 18 Sept. 1507, No. 556, Appx.)

133. Penultimo Octobri« rediit dominus ad Edinburgh.

(Precedes the Respite of 18 Aug. 1507, No. 1523.)

, 159. Dunde die Martis xxi Martii (1507). (Precedes the

Remission 3 Ap. 1502, No. 798.)

161. Edinburgh, im Aprilis (1508). (Precedes the

Precept of 14 Mar. 1507-08, No. 629, Appx.)

173. Die dominica uii Junii (1508) dominus Abir-

donensis episcopus accessit ibidem et dimisit sigillum cum decano Abirdonensi qui recepit feoda literarum sequen. (Precedes the " Conduct " dated . . . 1508, No. 1694.)

182. Dominica xni Augusti [1508] dominus accessit ad

Abirdene. (Precedes the Presentation of 2 Sept. 1508, No. 1719.)

., 184. Feoda literarum sigillatarum a xm Augusti pre-

scripti recepta per decanum Abirdonensem habentem sigillum in custodia et per eum deliberata domino in suo reditu. (Follo^s the Letter of Tak of 5 Sept. 1508, No, 1724.)

184 Duodecimo Septembris anno prescripto rediit

dominus ad Edinburgh. (Precedes the Letter ot 18 Sept. 1508, No. 1731.)

189. Kirkcudbrycht die Lune xvi Octobris (1508).

(Precedes the Respite of 11 May 1503, No. 933.)

Wigtoun die Lune xxiii Octobris anno predicto.

(Precedes the Letter of 23 Aug. 1508, No. 1716.)

190. Are. (Precedes the Remission of 16 Jun. 1505,

No. 1088.) 191. Summa pecunie recepta ex sigillo privato a xn Septembris (1508), usque in diem 2cvm Novembris ejusdem anni xix lib. Item ultra prescriptam £ftteor recepisse xl s. in aere ex quatuor sigillis nondum ad presens sigillatis. Summa utriusque xxi lib. (This foUows the Remission of 15 June 1505, No. 1100.)


Vol. III., folio 192. Die Lune xx Novembris (1508), Edinburgh. (ThU precedes the Remission of 2 Sept. 1508, No. 1790.)

196. Mem*. that thir iiii preceptjs of remissioun ar allowit

to mee in the compt (viz.: the three Remissions, of 18 June 1508, Nos, 1093, 1094, and 1095, and the Remission of 25 June 1508, No. 1099).

197. Sanctandris in natali [1508]. (Precedes the Letter

of [25?] Dec. 1508, No. 1784.) 198. Edinburgh. (Precedes the Letter of 2 Dec. 1508, No. 1775.) Vol. IV., folio 6. Striveling xuii Aprilis (1509) dominus rediit de Abirdene ad Strivelin. (Precedes the Precept of 15 Feb. 1508-09, No. 715, Appx.)

,, n Edinburgh [die] Lune xxiii Aprilis. (FoUows the

same Precept.) 13. Solut. et recept. per me Alexandrum Galloway a xiiii Aprilis supra immediate xiii lib. x s. Item preter hec xs. de precepto carte David Murray.

16. Memorandum. iAugu8ti(1509)deliberataM.A.Gallo-

way per A. Quhite xxxs. pro preceptis legitima- tionis D. Thome Betoun, cartarum David Kennedy, militis, et Johannis Donaldsoun, que habentur in quarterium proximo ante ultimum quarterium libri quem nunc habet dominus, et pro precepto domini Forbes ex latere precedente xs.

Die Veneris xviii Maii (1509) dominus accessit ad

Abirdene et dimisit sigillum in custodiam D. Jacobo Kincragy ejus decano. 20. xvu Junii (1509), rediit dominus ad Edinburgh.

33. Die Mercurii xxix Augusti dominus accessit ad

Abirdene. Nulla litera sigillata infra hoc tempus. Die Martis secundo Octobris anno domini et regis retroscripto [1509] rediit dominus.

,, ., 36. Cowper v Novembris (1509), et regno regis xxii.

37. Edinburgh. (Precedes tho Precept of 11 Oct. 1505, No. 1133.)

63. Item deliberat. M. A. Spittale decimo Maii immediate

sequen. pro precepto remissionis Gawini Weniys, Johannis Biris and Gilbert Fortar sigillat. in itinere de Cowper (9 Feb. 1501) et usque nunc non deliberato xxxs.

Die Veneris decimo Maii (1510) dominus equitavit

ad Abirdene et dimisit sigillum cum D. Georgio Newtoun, recipiente feoda literarum ab hunc usque xxv Junii proximo sequentis. (These two memo- randafoUow the precept of 6 May 1510, No. 870, Appx.)


Vol. IV., folio 70. Inverays xxv Junii (1510).

Elgin. (Precedes the Respite of 14 Sept. 1506, No.

1330.) 71. Banff. (Precedes the Remission of 21 Oct. 1505, No. 1135.)

Edinbui-gh xiii Augusti (1510).

77. Memorandum. Recepta a Waltero Lintoune ex

sigillo privato a xiii Augusti usque ad xxix ejusdem exclusive ix lib. iiis. iiiid. Spittaill.

] 02. Memorandum. Recepta ex sigillo privato a primo

Januarii usque ad presentem diem xxiii J. ejusdem vi lib. x s. Ita est Spittail.

Perth, XX Januarii (1510).

106. Memorandum. Recepfca ex sigillo privato a xx

Januarii (1510)l usque ad octavum Februarii apud Pertht xiilib. vs. Ita est Alex' SpittailL

Edinburgh viii Februarii (1510).

114. Sigillat. VIII Martii (1510-11). (Precedes the Remia- sion of 5 March 1510-11, No. 2219.)

118. Mem. Recepi ex sigillo privato ab vui Februarii

(1510-11) usque ad penultimum Martii (1511) utrumque includendo xxiii lib. Ita est A. Spittaill.

Mem. Recept. per dictum M. A. Spittale predicto

die pro precepto remissionis Bartholomei Mont- gumry et ii aliorum xxxs. ex antiquo sigillatis, et pro preceptis confirmationis M. David Spens et Georgii Buchquhannane.

120. Decimo Aprilis (1511) dominus accessit ad Abirdene

et dimisit sigillum in custodia cum D. Georgio Newtoun recipiente feoda literarum subsequen. usque primum Julii proximo futuri.

126. X Julii dominus rediit ad Edinburgh.

„145. Memorandum. Recept. ex sigillo privato%a x

Julii (1511) usque ad primum Septembris ejusdem anni xxx lib. xii s, ut patet in libris dietarum domini infra ejusdem tempus.

Ita est Alex' Spittaill manu propria.

,, 146. Mercuriidecimo Septembris (1511) dominus equita-

vit ad Abirdene et dimisit sigillum in custodia cum D. G. N[ewtoun] recipiente feoda literarum subsequen. usque xi Octobris proximo sequentis quando dominus rediit.

152. Undecimo Octobris dominus rediit ad Edinburgh de


155. Wigtoun. (Precedes the Remission of 11 Nov.

1511, No. 2327.)


Vol. IV.^ folio 155. Kirkcudbrycht. (Precedes the Letter ot 21 Jun.

1511, No. 2257.) 157.^Recept. ex sigillo privato a xxvi Octobris usque ad

VIII Decembris utrumque includendo viilib.

viis (?). Manu propria Robertus Elphynstoun,

thesaurarius Abirdonensis. Edinburgh IX Decemberis anno (1511).

161. Memorandum. Deliverit to my lord per thesaur-

arium Abirdonensem a ix Decembris usque ad

xxiiu ejusdem, xii lib. anno (1511). A. Gallowaye. 162. xxiin Decembris (1511). (Precedes Precept of 12

Nov. 1511, No. 2328.) 170. Memorandum. Deliverit furtht of the prive seil

box to my lord be mo Alex' Galloway a xxini

Decembris usque ad secundum Pebruarii xilib.

Ita est Galloway. 171. Secundo Februarii dominus equitavit ad itinera

camerarii de Dunde, Perth and Moutros. , 173. XX Februarii dominus rediit ad Edinburgh (1511).

180. Litere sequentes sigillate post xxv Martii anno

(1512) tunc incepto. (Precedes the Legitimation of

30 Oct. 1510, No. 2145.) 182. Abirdene 3 Maii (1512). (Precedes the Remission

of 24 Jul. 1510, No. 2106.) 184. Recepi apud Abirdene a Waltero Lyntoun ex sigillo

privato in itinere justiciarie ejusdem summam

quinque lib. et decem solidorum. Ita est Alex'*

Galloway. Edinburgh. (Precedes the Presentation of 18 May

1812, No. 2394.) 188. Die Veneris xvm Junii dominus accessit ad Abir-

dene et post hoc D. 6. Newtoun recepit feoda 0 literarum sequen. usque xvii Julii proximo

sequentis extenden. ad xilib. xs. praeter xxviiis.

receptos per dominum, ut patet in latere sequente

[Le, proprecepto 15 Jun. 1512, No. 1145, A'ppc.'], 192. Ede Sabbati^ dominus rediit ad Edinburgh.

198. Die Martis xxiiii Augusti (1512) dominus accessit

ad Abirdene et post hoc D. G. N[ewtoun] recepit

feoda literarum sequentium usque 202. Dominus rediit xxvn Octobris (1512).

1 The date interlined here has disappeared by the wearing away of the upper margin of the folia The letter whioh foUows is dated at Edinburgh 9 July 1512, No. 2411.


Vol. V., folio 1. Octavo die mensis Junii (1515) [anno regni] secundo venerabili patri Georgio abbate S. Crucis custode secreti sigilli ezisten. admisso per illustrem principem Johannem ducem Albanie, etc., tutorem et gubematorem regis et regni.

9, ,i 3. xxvu Julii anno prescripto illustris princeps

Johannes dux Albanie, etc, tutor et gubemator regis et regni in plano parliamento deliberavit sigillum secretum predicto venerabili patri.

17. Die S. Mathei xxi Septembris (1513) coronatus erat

S.D.N. rex Jacobus quintus. VoI.VI.49et vii 51. Cowper xiiii Januarii anno instan. (1525-26). VI. 50etvii.53. Iter Justiciarie apud Perth tentum xxviii Januarii

(1526-27). Vl. 52 et vii 55. In itinere Justiciarie apud Dundee tento Mercurii XIII Feb. anno prescripto. Vol. VIII., folio 1. Apud Edinburgh 3 Januarii (1528) venerabilis in Ghristo pater David abbas monasterii de Abir- brothok constitutus erat custos secreti sigilli S.D.N. Regis.

n 11* XX VII Januarii ^1528-29) recept. per me M. Jacobum

Ogilvy nomine et de mandato venerabilis in Christo patris David abbatis monasterii de Abirbrothok de feodis literarum preceden., xiii lib. Ita est Jacobus Ogilvy manu propria.

,, 13. Penultimo Januarii anno prescripto per me

M. 9racobum Ogilvy de feodis literamm sigillat. a tempore compoti immediate preceden. vi lib. praeter literas datas gratis et restan. Ita est Jacobus Ogilvy manu propria.

17. Sexto Februarii (1528-29), recept. per me M. Jaco-

bam Ogilvie de feodis litei-aram a tempore compoti immediate preceden. iiii lib. et eodem die sigillum deliberatum erat per dominum etc. D. Johanni Zoung, capellano. 23. Martii (1528-29), deliberat. Willelmo Ramsay de mandato domini de feodis literamm a tempore ultimi compoti immediate preceden. sigillatamm, vii lib., praeter literas datas gratis et preceptum carte comitis de Ergile tunc restan. Wilzam Ramsay.

30. xiu Martii deliberat. Willemo Bamsay de mandato

domini de feodis literarum post compotum ultimo factum viiilib., et Jacobo Stantoun de mandato domini xxs. preter literas datas gratis et xs. restan. Wilzam Ramsay.


Page. Prtcept Line.

19 155 10 fw rotuloram compotatori, rmd rotulatori oompotomm.

28 205 3 foT assone, rtjad assouer.

33 260 2 foT assoner, rtad assouer.

68 411 5 fw M. Brar, rtad McBrar.

92 640 1 ddtit square brackets.

98 675 3 imtri comma after ohapellane.

149 1018 12 dtlttt [Margaret Abimethy ? ] and relative note.

198 1390 1 iiwert [Thoma8?]afterHew.

204 1430 5 for kyncht, rtad knycht

244 1653 22 ffn- ani, rtad and.

252 1693 17 for Abirdeneusi, rtad Abirdonensi.

256 - 1711 16 /or theasauario, reacf thesaurario.

294 1910 8 /or Lynten, reorf Lynton.

297 1927 2 for Alexandra, rtad Alexandro.

306 1994 1 afUr Patrik, inwri [Laurence ? ].

310 for the running number 2927» rtad 2027.

333 2189 2 for Deliverance, rccki de Liverance.

346 2272 5 for Makhelker, rtad Makheker, and cwrtjci Lidex.

404 2648 3 for Carfyne, rtad Carafyne. ^

440 2830 4 fw I>euly, rtad Denly.

448 in the head line ybr James IV., rtad James V.

480 3071 2 dtltUU.

483 3126 2 (2e/ete de Glen.

535 3532 14 /or William, reoct Walter.

570 foT the mnning number 3837, rtad 3887.

582 4007 1 fw Halibirtoun, rtad Halibiu1x)un.

615 291 (iwtt) afitr Quarrell, add inverted commas and peiiod.

043 787 2 fw WiUiam, rtad W. [Waltcr].

686 1527 1 ^or lord, rtad domini. Index of Persons to Francis, John, add 1687.

Do. add Lekky, Robert, 53.




ipud .... 19 Oct. t of Remissioun to HUCHOXJN CE of Smethstoun, for arte and the refe of certane gudis oute pony of Erlistoun apoun Walter ine and Mychel M*^yllane, and ler actiounis committit and done lid Huchoun unto the daye of rane lordis proclamatioun maid Zy that is to say the xxix day of recedand the date therof. Per . Solut. ii. 10.

Ipud .... 19 Oct. t of Remissioun to HXJCHOUN CE, bruther to Johne Wallace in eaclem fomia, Per Signetum . ii. 10.

Apud Drumfmse, 25 Feb. pt of Remissioun to THOM NSON and Johne Carutheris in rod, for arte and parte of the of Lochfergus belangin to the

larde of Bondby, and for al uther actiouns unto the xxv day of Februar the asere of God (1488) zeris and of the kingis regne the first zere, ^tressoun in the kingis proper person and al maner of murthur and slauchter done of forthocht felony sen the kingis ooronation except. Per Signetum ex generali proclamatione regis primo anno sui regni. L 76.

4. Apud Drumfrese, 25 Feb. Preceptum Remissionis JOHANNIS STEWART, pro rapina certorum bono- rum a domino de Bondb[y] et incendio sui loci, et pro omnibus aliis criminibus, offensis et actionibus quibuscunque usque in diem remissionis, proditoria traditione in propriam personam regiam et murthuro exceptis, unacum homicidiocommisso super precogitata felonia a tempore coronationis regis etiam excepto. Per Signaturam subscriptam et signatam per Willielmum dominum Sancti Johannis thesaurarium pro tempore, ex gratia regis. i. 117.

at the end of the precept is 1498, but in the body 1488. In both ploceB the regnal year in 1 .


A.D. 1490.] 2 [3 Jac. IV.


6. Apud Edinburgh, 27 Sept. Preceptum litere pro ADAM HEP- BURNE de Cragys, super worda omnium et singularum terrarum, redituum et pofisessionum que olim pertinebant Waltero Ogstoun de eodem, et nunc domino regi ratione warde per ipsius decessum, unacum i*elevio earundem et maritagiis Elizabeth Ogstoun et Jonete Ogstoun, filiarum dicti quondam Wal- teri, etc. Per preceptum sub Signeto. Gratis. iii. 60.

6. At Edinburgh, 28 Sept. A Letter to ADAM HEPBXJRNE and to his assignais, ane or maa, of the gift of the ward and mariage of Elizabeth Ogstoun and Jonet Ogstoun, dochteria and airis to umquhile Walter Ogstoun of that ilk, now being in the kingis handis and at his dispositioun, be ressoun of ward throw the deces of the said umquhile Walter, with all proffitis pertenyn thairto frely to dispon thairuppon etc. Per «ub- scriptionem Regis. Gratis. i. 132.


7. Apud . . . , 20 Jul. A Precept of Remissioun for ANDRO BISSAT, for the slauchter of umquhile Johne Hoipe, committit xii zeris befor the date hereof, and for all crime that may be imput to him for that slauchter alanerly. Per Signetum. xs. solut. Portagaleo pro consectantibus. i. 35.

8. Apud . . . , 11 Dec.i A Presentatioun to PATRICK CLERK, student in the College of Sanct Salvatour in S[anctandros],— of the chapellanery in the said college apon the landis of Balgon- ner liand in the barony of Sawling, quhen it sal* happin to vak be resignatioun of schir George Laverok possessour therof, etc. Per Signaturam. xs. deliberat. D. Betoun. i. 58.

9. Apud Are, 27 Jan. A Precept of Remissioun to JOHNE

TEMPILTOUN, for the thiftwis owt- puttin and awaytakin of the gudis of umquhile George Campbele of Lowdoun, schiref of Are, the tyme he was stewart to the said schiref, and specialy the tyme that the said schiref was seyk, and for al crime, actioun and accusatioun that may be imput to him for the sade gudis and thyft of thaim alanerly. Per Signetum. Sohit. i. 77.

10. Apud . . . ,19 Mar. A Precept of Remissioun to JAMES LOGANE and Andro Lowi^anstoun, for the forthocht fellony done be thame apon Master Thomas Miuray, and for al uther crimez and actionis committit be the saidis James and Andro to this day of the date of this precept, tressoun, murthur, slauchter, common thift and birnyn except, etc. Pei* Signetum. xs. ii. 43.


11. Apud Perth, 10 Sept.^ Preeeptum Remissionis WALTERI BUOQUHANNANB et Johannis,


filii, pro communicatione cum Johann< Reoch et suis filiis ad cornu i*egL« existentibus, et pro omnibus ali^*

* Dated a.u. 11, bnt plaoed here according to the a.d. ' pated A.H. 1, bttt placed here according to the a.p,

A.D. 1492.]

[5 Jac. IV.

actionibus, etc., proditoria traditione, murthuro, incendio, raptu mulierum, communi furto et homicidio post nostram coronationem exceptis, etc. Per Sig- netum. xxs. iv. 105.

12. Apud Dunde, 22 Sept. Preceptum BemLssionis JOHANNIS COSSYNNIS et Jacobi Wigtoun, pro rapina duorum equorum, viz., unius equi a Jacobo domino Ogilvy de Arly, et alterius a Johanne Baird, et pro omnibus aliis actionibus usque in diem presentium, proditoria traditione, murthuro, incendio, raptu mulierum, communi furto et com- muni oppressione exceptis, etc. Per Signetum. xxs. sohit. decano [Abir- donensi]. iii. 160.

18. Apud . . . , 8 Nov. A Precept of Remissioun to THOMAS TULLO duelland in the Chanonre of Ross, for the slauchter of umquhile Tliomas Genor, and for al uther actiounis committit and done be him [to the 29 day of November 1492], tressoun, murthur, bimyng, reffasing of women and commoun thift except. Per com- positores. i. 69.

14. Apud Abirdene, 7 Dec. Preceptum Remissionis WILLELMI CXJMMYNG, pro arte, parte, consilio et assistontia per ipsum datis et exhibitis Alexandro domino Gordoun, in prepara- mentis campi bellici DunkeldensiB contra regem, et pro omnibus aliis usque in datam presentium, proditoria traditione in personam regis, murthiuro, raptu mulierum, communi furto, et actione regia contra eundem Willelmum proponenda penes quandam boxam, aurum, argentum et jocaha in eadem contenta et alia

jocalia, exceptis. Per preoeptum sub Signeto. xs. iii. 21.

16. Apud Abirdene, 7 Dec. Preceptum Remissionis THOME LOW- SON, cum omnibus ut Willehnus Cum- myng immediate predictus. Per precep- tum sub Signeto. xs. iii. 21,

16. Apud Abirbrothok, 1 1 Dec. Preceptum Remissionis PATRICII ANNAND, pro arte et parte interfec- tionis quondam Hugonis Dun alias nun- cupat. Tailzeour, ex precogitata felonia, ad quinque annos ante datam presentium commisse, ac pro arte et parte precogitate felonie super dicto quondam Hugone et aliis tempore dicte interfectionis facte et commisse tantum, etc. Per Signetum. xs sohit decano [Abirdonensi]. iii. 160.

17. Apud Bervy, 15 Dec. Preceptum Remissionis ALEXANDRI GRIG in Bervehill et Alani Joyly, viz., dicti Alexandri, pro arte et parte furtive raptionis et detentionis unius jumenti a Willehno Thomson, et pro arte et parte interfectionis quondam uxoris Willelmi Thomson; et dicti Alani, pro arte et parte f urtive surreptionis trium oviimi ab Alexandro Stratoun de Enox, et pro arte et parte interfectionis quondam Andree Layng in Drumsleid, et pro omnibus aliis actionibus usque in diem presentium, proditoria traditione, murthuro, in- cendiis et raptu mulierum exceptis. Per Signetum. xxs. iii. 23.

18. At . . . , 24 Mar. A Precept of Legimatioun to JOHNE Of OGILVY, sone to Schir James lord Ogilvy of Erly, etc. Per Signetum. Gratia. i. 7.


19. Apud Edinburgh, 6 Jun. A Precept of a Charter of Confirmatioun

apoun twa charteris, that is to say, ane maid be Johne lord Somervell to

A.D. 1493.]

[6 Jac. IV.

WILLIAM DALZELL and ELIZA- BETH HAMMYLTOUN, his spous,— of the ferd parte of the landis of Kyttemure with the p^inence, liand within the schirefdome of Lanark ; tlie tother

charter maid be David duke of Montrose to the said William and Elizabeth,— of the lands of Poltrale with the pertinentis, liand within the said schirefdome. Per Signetum. Sohit. ii. 74.


. 20. Apud Strivelin, 3 Oct. A Lettre maid to ARCHIBALD ERLE OF ANGUS,— of the gift of the ward of the landis and annuel rentis that pertenit to umquhile Gawine Nudrie of Luchin, and now heing in the kingis handis be resoun of ward throu his deceis ; togidder with the mariage of the air or airis male or femmale of the said umquhile Gawine that sall happin to succeid to his heritage ; with all proffitis therof and of the said ward enduring the tyme therof, or quhill the entre of the richtuis air or airLs to the said landut ; with power to occupy the sammyn or to set thaim to tennentis, and to rais and uplift the malis and proffitis therof and frely to dispone apoun the said mariage, etc. Per consimilem literam sub signeto manu s. d. n. Regis suhscrip- tam. Gratis. iv. 112.

21. Apud . . . , 10 Oct. A Letter of Legitimatioun to ANDRO CUNYNGHAM, in communi forma can- cellarie, etc. Per Signaturam\ Gratis.

i. 57.

liave bene in the handis of our sovemne lordis predecessouris and his, sen the deces of umquhyle Alexander erle of Huntle, quhilk brukit the sammyn landis be the cui^tasy of Scotland eftir the deces of umquhile his spous dame Jane [Jonet] lady of Bone and Anze ; and als gevis the said Alexander lor<l Hume the forsaid malis, proffitis, and dewiteiz of al tyme to cum, ay and quhill thai \ye lauchfullie re- coverit fuith of our said sovei^an lordis: handis ; with power to set the said landis and dispone themppoun and to ras the malis and proffitis therof enduring the snid tvme, etc.^ Gi-atis.

ii. 7, et iii. 13.

28. Apud . . . , 2 Dec. A Letter of gift of the ward and mariage of umquhile Wilzara Ti-umbull of Car- gunnok with the mariagis of his dochteris and aeris, made to ALEXANDER LORD HUME and Duncan Forester and thair assignau<. Per Signatui-nni. Gratis.

i. 63.

22. At Chanonry of Ross, 31 Oct. A Letter maid toALEXANDER LORD HUME, gret chaumerlane of Scotland, and his assignais, of the gift of all malis, proffitis, and dewiteiz of the landis of Tulibody and of the landis callit the Orchart of Tulibody, for all the tyme thai

* Dated a.r. U, but placed here aecording to the A.D.

^ The above entry is transcribed from that on folio 7, vol. II. The entry on folio 13, vol. III., diflfers in phraseology throughout, reads ** Dame Jonet " instead of ** Jane,'* and supplies thc place of granting. Tho fornier copy is marked

24. At . . . .23 Jan.'* A Precept of Remissioun to DAVID TAYT, for the thiftwis breking of tlie kirk of Hendriland and takin away of certane gudLs of gold and silver fra schir Wilzame Jurdane, etc. Per Signetum. xs. i. 57.

**Per Bubscriptioneni Regis," the latter **Ex **dcliberatione dominoruni concilii per osten- **8ionera ipsiuB litere eis in eodeni forma in ** papiro Bcripte sub dicto sigillo et aubBcriptione •* Regis.''

' Dated a.r. 7, but placed here according to the A.P.

A.D. U93.]

[6 Jac.IV.

26. Apud Drumfrese, 29 Jan. A pi-ecept of Remiiiisioun to WILLIAM JOHNESTOUN and James Johnestoun, for the forthocht felony done be him (sic) apon Johne Clerk, and for al uther for- thocht felonyis and actionis to (the 29 day of January 1493), tressoun, murthur, slauchter, fyr, revissing of women and common thyft except. Per Signetum. S. i. 74.

26. Apud Drumfres, 29 Jan. A Pi-ecept of Remission to GILBERT JOHNESTOUN, for the forthocht felony doue be him apon Johne Clerke, etc., [as in No. 25]. Per Signetum. S.

i. 74.

27. Apud Kirkcudbrycht, 14 Feb. A Precept of Remissioun to GILBERT WILSON in Glenken,for the stowthrefe of